IoE Rough Cut Science:

Physiological differences between high-elevation five needle pines: Pinus albicaulis and P. flexilis

Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Speaker(s): Lou Duloisy, Dr. Danielle Ulrich

Location: Byker Auditorium

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Lou Duloisy

Lou Duloisy

Lou is a second-year PhD student at in the Ulrich lab at Montana State University, researching how climate impacts the physiological mechanisms contributing to species’ range limits. As an eco-physiologist Lou focuses on the seasonal patterns of gas exchange and nonstructural carbohydrates in whitebark and limber pine. She aims to uncover potential differences in leaf-level photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration between these two species. As part of her research, Lou is collecting data on gas exchange, water potential, and nonstructural in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Dr. Danielle Ulrich

Dr. Danielle Ulrich

Dr. Ulrich is an Assistant Professor in the Ecology Department examining plant physiological responses to and interactions with their environments in forest, agricultural, and grassland ecosystems.

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