Affiliated Faculty & Partners

Paul Krausman

Boone and Crockett Professor of Wildlife Conservation

Department: Wildlife Biology

University System: Boone and Crockett Club -


Professional Summary:

Over my career, I taught a variety of courses from anatomy and physiology to advanced wildlife courses. Those I enjoy most are the classes that help students think and develop professionally. I am using my editorial experience with numerous regional, national, and international journals to teach a graduate class in scientific writing for publication (in even years). In odd years I teach a graduate colloquium related to big game ecology. I will also teach an undergraduate class each year that will provide opportunities for wildlife students to apply their knowledge to contemporary natural resource situations.

While at the University of Arizona my research was related to life history characteristics of large mammals and mechanisms to minimize human alteration of their habitats. Most of the research conducted by my graduate students and me was on public lands. As the Boone and Crockett Professor of Wildlife Conservation at the University of Montana, I will continue to work with large ungulates and predators and mechanisms to enhance and maintain the habitats on which they depend. I am working with the Boone and Crockett Club to develop a research program at the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch, Dupuyer, Montana (see Boone and Crockett below) that will include wildlife research to demonstrate that wildlife and other land uses can be compatible. I also have other research opportunities where my students and I can make a contribution toward scientific wildlife management of large mammals (i.e., bison in Montana and Canada, caribou in Newfoundland, pronghorn in Montana, mule deer in California, bighorn sheep in Arizona). In addition, I am and have been involved with the professional society for wildlife biologists, The Wildlife Society, and take every opportunity to expose my students to national and international wildlife issues.

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