Affiliated Faculty & Partners

Patricia Heiser

Associate Professor

Department: Earth Science

University System: Carroll College - Helena


Professional Summary:

Dr. Heiser completed her undergraduate degree in geology and ecology at the University of Vermont and was soon off to Alaska to pursue her Ph.D. in earth science. Her graduate work focused on the glacial and sea-level history of the Bering Strait and included research in both Russia and Alaska. During a post-doc position at the University of Madison Wisconsin, she studied the permafrost features of northern Wisconsin. Her first teaching position was at Ohio University Athens where she taught geology, geomorphology, soil science, and climate change. She was soon drawn back to Alaska and began a joint position with the University of Alaska Anchorage teaching geology and integrated science programs for education majors. She then moved on to the University of Alaska Fairbanks to help develop a geography program and continue research on paleoecology, lake system history, and tundra-forest ecotone dynamics in Southwestern Alaska. We are now lucky to have her at Carroll College as the Director of the Environmental Program. Her teaching in earth and environmental science is well-loved by students and she continues to involve students in field research ranging from forest fire history using dendrochronology techniques to paleoecology using lake sediment cores.

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