Affiliated Faculty & Partners

David Shively


Department: W.A. Franke College of Forestry & Conservation

University System: University of Montana - Missoula


Professional Summary:

I am a broadly trained geographer who completed graduate work in the areas of geomorphology, riverine ecology, hydrology, watershed processes, land use and environmental planning, water resources planning and management, and rural studies. My doctoral research focused on the regional dynamics and local effects of water rights marketing in New Mexico’s Rio Grande Basin. I have field experience in air quality surveys, fisheries, land use analysis, and fluvial geomorphology having worked on a number of projects throughout my career. I taught land use and environmental planning, physical, and human geography courses at Oregon State University (1999-2000) and at Central Michigan University (2000-2004) before coming to the University of Montana.

Previous research projects include air toxins coming from snowmobiles in North America, water policy and planning in Montana, integrated water resources management in the Clark Fork River basin of Montana, flood management, and collaboration in the Columbia River Treaty review process. Current research: Columbia River Treaty and water management in the Clark Fork River basin. Geographic areas in which I have more expertise include North America (especially the western U.S.), the British Isles, France, Spain, and New Zealand.

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